Singing Guide: Surf Curse

Singing Guide: Surf Curse

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Surf Curse: How to Sing Like Them

Surf Curse is an exciting indie rock duo hailing from Reno, Nevada. Their music is characterized by an elusive surf-rock sound punctuated with rich, reverberant guitar riffs to create a unique sound that has kept fans intrigued for years.

To learn how to sing like Surf Curse, you will need to master their vocal technique and stage presence. Surf Curse's performances are charismatic, and they employ an understated yet effective delivery that leaves a lasting impact on their audience. While learning to sing like Surf Curse requires dedication and hard work, following these tips and the resources offered by Singing Carrots will help you get started.

Mastering The Unique Vocal Technique Of Surf Curse

  • Reverb - The guitar-heavy, reverb-drenched style of Surf Curse makes their unique sound. When you sing Surf Curse's songs, try adding a little reverb to your vocals to give them extra depth and richness.
  • Mellow Vocals - Surf Curse's vocal style is understated and mellow. To achieve this, try using chest voice and singing softly enough to create a breathy, intimate sound.
  • Sing in tune - Surf Curse's songs demand precision in melody as many of their melodies rely on the accuracy of the singer's pitch. To ensure you're singing in tune and able to accomplish the often tricky leap notes, make use of the Pitch Accuracy Test available on Singing Carrots.
  • Vocally being in sync with the music - Surf Curse's songs can be quite harmonious, and it requires the singing to get in sync with the right feeling and tempo of the music. To help you with this, use the Vocal Pitch Monitor on Singing Carrots and get feedback on your voice alongside the respective notes on the virtual piano.

Songs To Study

Every musician no matter what genre has some signature tunes that best represents their style. When it comes to Surf Curse, singing their songs can help you understand their style and help you learn how to sing like them. Below are three song selections that showcase their style are worth studying.

  1. "Freaks" - This song is a perfect representation of Surf Curse's style, featuring a reverb-soaked guitar riff, breathy, intimate vocals, and a brooding, melancholic mood.
  2. "Heathers" - This song highlights Surf Curse's talent for fusing catchy melodies with dreamy soundscapes and its unusual harmonic structures.
  3. "Disco" - Disco is an upbeat song that showcases the flexibility in Nick's vocal abilities that oscillate between deep-drawn voice and high-pitched screeching.

Practical Advice – Exercises

To help you master the elements of Surf Curse's unique vocal style, we suggest you try the following Singing Carrot practice resources:

  • Breathing Basics - Active and passive breathing will help you learn about how to control your breath when singing Surf Curse's style.
  • Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking - This lesson will help you learn how to put feeling into your voice and evoke Surf Curse's mellow, intimate style.
  • Vocal Health - Gargling before rehearsals and recording sessions will help lubricate your vocal cords and keep them functioning correctly.
  • How to Find Your Own Authentic Voice - Surf Curse's style is unique, and to sing like them thoroughly, you'll have to discover a way to make it your own. This lesson will help you reflect upon your singing abilities and develop your vocal signature style just like Surf Curse.

By focusing on the elements outlined above and incorporating key Singing Carrots resources into your routine, you can start learning to sing like Surf Curse. It requires patience, effort, and above all, passion for their music. Don't forget to check out their other catchy tunes, and together let's explore their art with artifice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.